Friday 23 December 2011

Read and Share Books This Christmas

Are you passionate about reading books or novels that have various stories on Christmas, Santa and the holiday? If yes, then you must have dozens of books stored in your home library. But, every book can be read and can be enjoyed just for once. After that, the book is of no use. However, at LynxSquare ( you can now buy books by sharing the costs with your friends or sell-it-back.

This concept, referred to as social sharing or group buying in the online marketplace is easy and simple, where users just have to register and then purchase or sell books to his social network at the most reasonable prices. These websites offer not only the latest books but also new released music, DVDs, college text books, CDs etc in the market. LynxSquare is one of the popular online peer-to-peer marketplaces that offers sharing, selling, buying and having fun while you shop.

Hence, now your passion to read can get wings without thinking about the prices. Fulfill your excitement and thirst for reading stories on Christmas and Santa and overcome the restriction of waiting for new books or selling the old ones. So, connect with your friends to share the books, split the cost, and save lots of money.